Monday, March 11, 2013

GM Seeds and the Militarization of Food - and Everything Else

Vandana Shiva in Hawaii. (Photo: Kai Markell)

Everyone everwhere - especially in the United States where ignorance is so prevalent - needs to be informed about Monsanto, about the crushing of peoples and their livelihood, about the rape of our Earth Mother for financial profit, and the extent that Greed will go to polarize, dehumanize, plunder, oppress, kill, destroy. The addiction of greed is late stage on this planet. We all need to join together to work fiercely for the highest good, for a world which cares and will increasingly work for all. Bless Vandana Shiva and all those who courageously illuminate the way. Another world is possible. Tag - we are all it! - Molly


 From this powerful interview with Vandana Shiva: "Those wars in Iraq and Iran are not just wars; they are not just wars. They are about control over resources. They are about giving contracts. They are about opening up Iraq to the GMO seeds of Monsanto. There was an Iraqi Order 81 that [L. Paul] Bremer passed making it illegal for Iraqi farmers, who are the heart of the source of agriculture, the Mesopotamian Civilization: They could not use and save their own seeds. And in the big seed freedom report we have prepared - and anyone can download it from the Navdanya website - we have a contribution by a journalist who found out that Abu Ghraib, the jail from which all the scandals came, used to be the seed bank of Iraq, and Abu Ghraib the name came from one of their most precious wheat varieties. Now, a changing of a name that was a wheat variety, a place that held the biodiversity heritage of a civilization into a jail for torture, that mutation is what we must understand to understand the deepening violence... There is actually a huge economy in selling arms and dividing people, and it needs people fighting each other."

 For the full interview with Vandana Shiva by Jon Letman for Truthout, please go here:

In this continuity from Asia to Polynesia to Hawaii is the other way of thinking about ourselves everywhere, including in Hawaii - that we are an interrelated part of a beautiful planet which organizes herself, and that is the Gaia theory... I think these militarized borders and militarized takeovers, those who have practiced it for the last century think it's going to be the way of the next century. It's not going to be the way of the next century. The way of the next century has to be making peace with the Earth. 
~ Vandana Shiva

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