Wednesday, August 28, 2024

We Need to Be Aware of the Escalating Dangers: Trump Has MOST PSYCHOTIC Morning Yet as LIFE COLLAPSES

My youngest son shared this with me this morning. WOW! So chilling. And both shocking and not surprising at all.

As many of you know, I have spent many years working to understand, heal, and transform from the impact of my mother’s malignant narcissism. Her severe mental illness plagued her until age 87 when she was put on antipsychotic medication, no longer drank, had enough memory loss to not remember what would have been unbearable, and was immersed in my love. The miracle of my mother’s partial awakening which freed her from pathological narcissism was a profound miracle — and very rare.

This will not happen for Trump. And as he continues to experience the grave narcissistic injuries that are growing with so many walls caving in around him, he will inevitably grow increasingly psychotic. This is what I witnessed with my mother and deeply understand.

Not everyone may agree with me, but I believe that it is important to recognize the dangers we are facing right now and, as best as we can, be prepared for them. Not with hatred, name-calling, dehumanization, or any form of violence — but rather, as best as we can, with being grounded in integrity, truth, wisdom, courage, consciousness, compassion, strong boundaries, skillful actions which stand up to bullying and injustice and violence, and a fierce commitment to working together towards a highest good for us all.

And we need to VOTE! — Molly

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s most unhinged messages and behavior yet on Wednesday morning.

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