Sunday, July 7, 2024

For Grosse Pointe High School Class of '69: Information For Our 55th Class Reunion August 9th & 10th

My husband and I will be boarding a plane for Michigan on August 8th. I am very excited to be planning to attend our 55th high school class reunion in August! And while my brother and I were part of the 1969 graduating class, my mother graduated from GPHS 25 years before me in 1944. So there is a lot of history here for me and for countless others.

In posting this to my blog and to Facebook, I am hoping that more of our former classmates will be informed about the details of our reunion.

I also need to highlight my deepest gratitude to Elaine Slasinski for all of her many efforts in coordinating a plan for us to gather once again. What I will share now are Elaine's words for the plans for our 55th reunion.

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Elaine writes:

The weekend of August 9-10 will be our 55th Reunion. I know many of you were under the impression that the reunion was canceled. I was not going to let that happen! I feel that it is important for us to get together. This is going to be a very informal reunion and I am truly looking forward to seeing everyone who attends. Here are the details…

Friday August 9th - 

Atwater in the Park - 6pm

For those of you who have never been there, this is a very cool place. The former Grace United Church, which was built in 1936 and is located on Kercheval and Lakepointe in Grosse Pointe Park.  It is beautiful on the inside and has a lovely outdoor area as well. I am not able to make reservations this far in advance. I will ask everyone who would like to attend, to go online and reserve a table for the 9th. If everyone makes reservations for themselves and +2, we should be able to all sit down and enjoy each other’s company. I’m assuming that they will accept reservations 30 days in advance as do most restaurants.

Everyone will be responsible for their own food and drink orders. 

Saturday August 10th - 

The Cadieux Cafe 6-10pm

I have reservations for 28 people who RSVP’d. If you did, you are guaranteed a table in the dining area. If you did not RSVP, there is no guarantee that you will have a table. If you are planning on coming, you may want to make your own reservation at the Cadieux through Resy. I would wait until July 8 to do it. 

I have also reserved both Feather Bowling lanes from 7-10pm. The total cost for those is $330.00. I have paid the fee to hold them, and I can cancel them one week in advance. I did this because this is another area where there are a few tables and chairs and benches to watch the play. And, in case there is a band, it will be a more private area for us to gather. I am hoping that everyone will pitch in a few dollars to cover the rental fee. 

Everyone is responsible for their own food and drinks. I would also ask for contributions for the rental of the space. 

Feather Bowling is fun! And it’s fun to watch if you’re not playing. I would hope that everyone gives it a try.


As I have mentioned in the past, I no longer use Facebook for various reasons. However, I will post the Reunion and the Bench information on the GP High 50th Reunion Photos site. This is a closed site and you must be a Class of 1969 alumnus to join this group. This will be the main site for any current information or changes for those who don’t use email. The email address for the quarterly newsletters as well as other information is Please contact me if you would like to be added to the newsletter or the Facebook group. If I don’t respond immediately, I will as soon as I get a chance. This month is an extremely busy one for me. 

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With every passing year we lose more of our classmates. And this makes each reunion precious and a gift. I'm very much looking forward to seeing whoever can make it to our 55th!

With warmest blessings to all,



Our 50th class reunion, 2019
The first night of our 50th reunion
From our 45th class reunion

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