Monday, April 29, 2024

Netanyahu Ignored Warnings of Attack

For months now, it is beyond chilling how much Netanyhu's attack on Gaza gives me flashbacks to when Bush was warned in 2001 about a coming attack, did not head the warnings, and then used 9-11 as a justification to engage in two devastating and catastrophic wars. History continues to repeat itself until enough of us recognize the poisonous patterns of lies and propaganda which lead us into war and the obliteration of whole populations and their land. This must END. ― Molly

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, 
‘What would I do if I was 
alive during slavery? 
Or the Jim Crow south? 
Or apartheid? 
What would I do if my country 
was committing genocide?’ 
The answer is, you’re doing it. 
Right now.”

― Aaron Bushnell

Creator: YAHYA HASSOUNA Credit: AFP via Getty Images
By Jim Craney

“Adolf Netanyahu goaded Hamas into this attack thus giving him the excuse to invade and occupy Gaza. The war on Gaza and its residents commenced with a fierce and relentless bombing campaign designed to make Gaza uninhabitable for its residents. The IDF has no intention of preserving the lives of Palestinians. As far as the
#IDF are concerned all Palestinians are members of #Hamas from the 1 day old baby to the 90 year old grandma or grandpa. In the eyes of these Israeli
🇮🇱 soldiers ALL Palestinians deserve to die.

Mossad, arguably the most effective and professional intelligence agency in the entire world, warned Netanyahu and his government days in advance of the attack but he Netanyahu ignored this intelligence and did nothing!

He was prepared to sacrifice the lives of unknowing and innocent Israeli citizens, kibbutzniks and young IDF soldiers for his Zionist dream/fantasy. These people were considered to be nothing more than unfortunate collateral damage in service of the plan to create Eretz Israel.

The Israeli army, a fascist neoNazi force, which is extremely well supplied,well armed and supported by America could not stop an attack by a rag tag bunch of guerrillas attacking Israel on hang gliders and donkey carts?Really, who with a modicum of intelligence believes that for a split second!!

Like I said,Adolf Netanyahu was itching for an excuse to attack Gaza while playing the perpetual Jewish victim and whining woe is me the “terrorists “ want to kill us all and wipe Israel
🇮🇱 off the map!!

This "terrible, murderous attack by terrorists, rapists and baby killers" was a repeat of the Holocaust screamed the unhinged hysterical Israeli government in order to stoke fear in its own citizens!! And give him the license to seek revenge and go to war.

This incident didn’t even come close and Netanyahu was drawing a very long bow to even mention the Holocaust in the same breath as a military incursion by a guerilla force of a few hundred men. ED JG

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