Thursday, April 11, 2024

Chelan Harkin: In This Era Of Human Evolution This Life Is About Alchemy

 This is so beautiful, wise, and true. 
— Molly

Photo by Molly
In This Era Of Human Evolution 
This Life Is About Alchemy

There’s a reason we’re all not awakened earth angels. The reason is we’re in a self-induced narcotic state of dissociation to avoid the immense pain from a long unencountered history stored in our bodies. We need a culture of moving toward our pain rather than away from it. We need to help hold each other as we move through it. We are both the midwives and the wailing mothers and as we truthfully, humbly, responsibly encounter ourselves and burn through the past we birth the new world. Don’t think this life is about feeling good. In this era of human evolution this life is about alchemy, about turning the old material inside of us that has long been used for war into purest gold.

— Chelan Harkin

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