Sunday, March 24, 2024

Susan Frybort: No One Ever Told Me

Tomorrow is my 73rd birthday.
And this poem resonates deeply.
Blessed be.🙏 Molly

Photo by Molly

No One Ever Told Me
(Of the Glory of Growing Older)

No one told me
it would be like this—

how growing older
is another passage
of discovery

and that aging is one
grand transformation,

and if some things
become torn apart
or even lost along the way,

many other means
show up
to bring me closer
to the center
of my heart.

No one ever told me
if whatever wonder
waits ahead

is in another realm
and outside of time.

But the amazement, I found,
is that the disconcerting things
within the here and now

that I stumble
and trip my way

also lead me

And no one told me
that I would ever see

an earth so strong
and fragile,

or a world so sad
and beautiful.

And I surely
didn't know

I'd have
all this life
yet in me

or such fire
inside my

Susan Frybort

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