Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Chelan Harkin: Take A Stand

Photo by Molly

Take A Stand

There's a story
that's been going around
called the patriarchy
that has taken
all of our breath away
in its insidious suffocation
of the truth of who we really are.

Some say this story
serves men
but it doesn't
it profoundly enables men
to stay hungry beasts
instead of soaring,
golden eagles

And it does everything
to deny women
their inherent crowns.

The story is beyond individual men
but it can give them a pass
directly out of their humanity
onto that sick perch
of superiority
whose position must be constantly maintained
at the expense of women.

Dear men,
you didn't start this
but there's no need
to wait around
to be called out
it's time we all self-diagnose
this terrible malady
of being so far
from our own hearts.
There's no need to continue
letting ancient, violent storytellers
write your lives.
Take up your pen
like the sharpest sword
fellows, you need to start
wielding truth.
we are so much more
than what patriarchy
has taught us we are
we are mountains
filled with explosive light
that can dazzle the Gods
and scintillate the stars.
Men, you are so much more
than what you've learned
from the patriarchy
you are the power
within the heart of gentleness.
You are the courage
seated on the throne
of the heart's truth
that doesn't stand down.
Now, it's time to stand up
for all of this.
— Chelan Harkin 
From Let Us Dance: The Stumble and
Whirl With the Beloved

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