Friday, February 2, 2024

Jim Palmer: There Is Nothing More Important Than Love

This is so wise, beautiful, and true.
💗 Molly

Photo by Molly
There Is Nothing More Important 
Than Love

That moment when it hits you that your life won't last forever and you think about the people you love deeply and thinking about it aches, and you don't know if it's because sometimes you love people so much it hurts, or because you wonder if you missed opportunities to love them or could have loved them better, and you are reminded once again that there is nothing more important than love.
The greatest single need and desire of humankind is love. To love is the greatest power and freedom we possess. Every thought, word, and action motivated by love, transforms our reality. Love is the highest expression of what it means to be human. The chief characteristic of true enlightenment is love.
The best I know to tell you is don't leave love left undone. Go all the way with love. There may be things you don't accomplish, attain, or achieve in your life. Do not let shrinking back from love be one of them. If you are fortunate, you discover that love is the only thing that really matters, love heals everything, and love is all there is.
On your way out of this world you will look back and see it was always about that... it was always love."
Jim Palmer
From Notes From (Over) the Edge: Unmasking
the Truth to End Your Suffering

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