Friday, February 2, 2024

Jim Palmer: 7 Rules To Disobey

Oscar Wilde wrote, "Disobedience was man’s original virtue.” I know he is using "man" as a reference to all humankind, but I think it's worth noting that it was a woman (Eve) who did us all a big favor by biting into that fruit of human agency. So maybe it's fair to pair up Wilde's quote with what Historian, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich wrote, "Well-behaved women seldom make history."

With that in mind, here are 7 religious rules that every person should disobey:
Rule #1: Put your faith in the doctrine they teach you in church.
Rule #2: Don't fraternize with people who hold different beliefs.
Rule #3: Mistrust what you most deeply feel.
Rule #4: Limit your experience of God to organized church.
Rule #5: Never question a person with a theological degree.
Rule #6: Believe you need to be cured from your own badness.
Rule #7: Resign yourself that the big payoff happens after you die.
Rule #8: Assume the Jesus of Christianity is the real Jesus.
Rule #9: Make bible knowledge the litmus test of true spirituality.

Jim Palmer

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