Sunday, February 4, 2024

Jack Kornfield: The Very Questions That Go To the Very Center of Spiritual Life

Photo by Molly

The Very Questions That Go To the
Very Center of Spiritual Life

If you have the privilege of being with a person who is conscious at the time of his or her death, you find the questions such a person asks are very simple, "Did I love well?" "Did I live fully?" "Did I learn to let go?"

These simple questions go to the very center of spiritual life. When we consider loving well and living fully, we can see the ways our attachments and fears have limited us, and we can see the many opportunities for our hearts to open. Have we let ourselves love the people around us, our family, our community, the Earth upon which we live? And, did we also learn to let go? Did we learn to live through the changes of life with grace, wisdom, and compassion? Have we learned to shift from the clinging mind to the joy of freedom?

 Jack Kornfield,
Excerpts from A Path With Heart:
A Guide through the Perils and Promises 
of Spiritual Life

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