Sunday, January 28, 2024

Chelan Harkin: Luscious Darkness

Each morning after lighting our candle, and just 
before our meditation, my husband and I read
a poem from one of Chelan Harkin's books. 
This is the one we shared today.

Photo by Molly
 Luscious Darkness

"I've arrived!"
said the full moon.

"I've figured it out!
I'll stay whole this time.
I won't wane anymore
No more darkness!"

And hasn't your heart
thought the same thing
right before another plunge
into its necessary school
of shadows?

To insist on staying light
is unnatural
and without elegance.

Darling, embrace the rhythm
of descent
into your darkness.

— Chelan Harkin
From her latest book, Wild Grace

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