Thursday, January 4, 2024

Chelan Harkin: The Great Mother

Photo by Molly

The Great Mother

The Great Mother
has beautiful intentions
for this earth
that She's set in motion.

She has set in motion
the blossoming of a great sisterhood
in which all women world wide
join hands and hearts
like a garland of roses.

She has set in motion
for the many religions
to be strung together like prayer beads
that the many names of God
may be chanted together
in one glorious song,
and for the various hues of skin
and different tones of culture
to be a great source of celebration
for our world's divine, delectable diversity
to be our earth's great prize,
for us to prance through our lives
like the delighted flower girls
sprinkling our petaled blessings
with each step,
and for each life to be a celebration
between our hearts
and whatever they should encounter
of the great wedding
of love to love,

and for each thought and word and movement
to renew our vows.

Yes, our world is Her gorgeous prayer,
Her precious seed,
full of luminous potential
that She's planted
in the luscious, fertile darkness
of our Universe

while continuously watering it
with light.

Our realization
of Her great intentions
is its bloom.

— Chelan Hawken
From Let Us Dance: The Stumble and Whirl
With the Beloved

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