Friday, December 1, 2023

Chelan Harkin: We Are So Powerful

Photo by Molly

We Are So Powerful

We are so powerful. We can transform difficult circumstances in our life by feeling through the pain of them. It’s not fundamentally the circumstances that trouble us but our pain associated with them. To feel through our pain rather than control our circumstances is to enter into the most profound trust exercise and communion with Life. It is to utterly change our paradigm and become agents of creative magic rather than futile brutes of force.

Often when the pain in us resolves, the difficult circumstance resolves, not for woo-woo non-reasons, but because our attention changes as our pain is resolved and in the resolution of our pain, our push and pull to attempt to control our circumstances resolves which releases us from the ungenerative dynamic with our difficulties.
Also, as we resolve the pain in ourself connected with a circumstance, whatever outside forces that were pushing on us can no longer find anything in us to push against. I like to call this practice of feeling our pain all the way through to its dissolution the aikido of love. You are no longer providing a force of push or pull, you are no longer providing energy to fight against, and things can sort themselves out when they encounter these aligned energies.
We resolve the pain in ourself by feeling it through, all the way to its root. This might take some time but so what. There is nothing more efficient and valuable than this for when we don’t resolve our pain we anchor what could be our soaring life to its weight and drag it around adding heaviness instead of levity to our days.
You know you’ve felt your pain to its root when you feel relief, new perspective, ease, a new lightness of being and insight.

— Chelan Harkin

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