Sunday, October 8, 2023

Michael Meade: What Opens the Heart

A profound and wise teaching from one of my longtime teachers, Michael Meade. There is also information here of an upcoming online series with Michael. Breaking the heart open and coming to see with increasing depth through the eyes of the heart is an extraordinary gift, one greatly needed in our world today. 🙏 Molly

Michael Meade talks about what can help open our heart, a key theme in his new online series 
"Heart Within the Heart" that begins on Thursday, October 19. It can sometimes take heartbreak to open the heart within the heart, and whatever breaks us down can also break us open and initiate us into a greater knowledge of ourselves and the living world of nature and the spirit. And seen through the eyes of the heart, the exact wounds that we carry can turn out to be the greater imagination and deeper understanding of who we are intended to be in life. 


All Events: 6:00 - 7:30 pm (PDT)


(Includes access to HD recordings available after each live session)

  • The inner gradient and plotline of the heart become more important as the world becomes more chaotic.
  • The core of the heart gives us vitality, but also the inner flame that illuminates greater consciousness.
  • Opening our heart includes accepting our wounds and reclaiming rejected aspects of our inner lives.
  • Compassion is essential for unburdening the heart.
As nature and culture rattle and old forms crumble, a crisis of imagination occurs and we are called to see the world with different eyes. Finding and following a genuine vision requires an open heart as well as an open mind. Thus, transforming our lives involves a genuine “change of heart.”

While the heart fosters feelings and love, the heart within the heart is also the seat of imagination and the place of wisdom. What was known as the “eye of the heart” sees with a kind of vision that opens to revelations about ourselves and the world.

The divine word set within the heart’s core is the source of vitality, true resiliency and continuous creativity. Yet, for the heart to open and the spirit of change to enter us, we must let go of our received ideas and restrictive attitudes.

Love is the divine spark in each heart, intended to illuminate the true path of one’s life. Such a path with heart reveals who we are in essence and how we are aimed in life. We are each intended to serve something greater than ourselves; when we serve in that way we become truly whole-hearted. To be fully alive, growing the soul and incarnating spirit is the only thing that satisfies the longings seeded in the garden of the heart.

Medicine of the Heart  •  The Undiscovered Self 
Soul’s Inner Gradient  •  Passion and Compassion  •  Unburdening the Heart

"What the heart loves is the cure and what cures the human heart can help heal a broken world." - Michael Meade

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