Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Carol Lynn Pearson: Message from Mother

My dear longtime friend and soulful sister, Olivia Marie Oso, shared this powerful poem last month at a women's ceremony we both participated in. I wept. And now that my copy of Finding Mother God has arrived, I was able to share "Message from Mother" with my husband. And I again had to stop more than once. Tears. So moved and broken open is my heart and soul. Perhaps you, too, will be deeply touched by the profound wisdom of this healing and loving message from the Mother.

It also feels appropriate to share this poem with one of Olivia Marie's beautiful paintings. The exquisite one below is called "Love of Tonantzin," with Tonantzin meaning "Our Sacred Mother." (For more of Olivia Marie's art, please go here:

It has also just occurred to me today that I know the author of Finding Mother God from decades ago. Carol Lynn Pearson did "Mother Wove the Morning" Such a gift. I am deeply grateful to reconnect with this amazing woman and the powerful work that she brings to us all to heal ourselves and our world. 

All of life is imbued with the Sacred Feminine. Gratefully more and more of us are remembering what we have long forgotten. Blessed be. Blessed be. 🙏💗 Molly

Love of Tonantzin, cc Olivia Marie 

Message from Mother
(appreciation to mythologist Joseph Campbell)

For all those little gifts you give to
    the mythologists and archeologists
        to give to me

I thank you, Mother.

For the precision big-bellied figurine pressed
    by Paleolithic hands and the magical naked
        outline of you on caves

I thank you.

I thought I was a Motherless child
    in an always Motherless house
        and then your little surprises began to arrive

as did my tears, my grateful tears
    for there was your soft and ancient voice:

I am here. I am female. I am divine.

Thank you for the word "mother"
    spoken centuries before the word "father"
        for blood and baby do not lie

but testify that Mother was the First Thing
    the power that carried and birthed the universe
        and all in it, the sea, the earth, the animals

the upright ones, the men and women who lived
    in peace within Her safe cycle and gathered
        food to the easy sound of wind and rain:

I am here. I am female. I am divine.

I thank you, Mother, for brooding over your people
    when the dark times came, when the invaders came
        the Indo-Europeans from the north

and the Semites from the desert, turning the birthing
    upside down so Athena was born of the forehead
        of Zeus and Eve was born of the rib of Adam.

Their gods were male
    and their swords were bronze
        and they named you Abomination

and butchered and buried you without knowing
    they were planting you, for you are the transformer
        who turns a seed into a tree, the Tree of Life

who is sturdy and many and grew in all places
    the goddess of many names that I read now
        on pages made from the tree that speak for the tree:

I am here. I am female. I am divine.

        hundreds more―shining black or ivory or red
            and each a name that points to Mother.

The past does what the past is and it is gone.
    Men are still warriors, but not all, for many understand
        that our very being turns now on our turning to our

Mother, who is ready to correct our view of heaven so that 
    God Herself and God Himself, who were always One
        can join on earth to bless the confused billions.

The next step is ours, daughters of our Mother
    and did we ever think She would not uphold us
        in our essential mission?

We thank you, Mother, as now we rise
    the women with microphones in the halls of government
        the halls of justice, of media, of religion

the women penning books and scribbling poems
    the women helping women buy a goat or a sewing machine
        the women marching with signs and songs.

There is power in our words and our words are these:

We are here. We are female. We are divine.

― Carol Lynn Pearson
From Finding Mother God:
Poems to Heal the World

Photo by Molly

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