Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Labor, Frontline & Youth Voices Call on Biden to Immediately Act to Prevent Climate Catastrophe

These are incredibly important speeches, including by Louisiana climate justice activist Roishetta Ozane and 16-year-old Fridays for Future organizer Helen Mancini. Biden needs to listen and ACT NOW. If he does not, this president is putting everything at risk. Everything. Truly, enough is enough! May he stop waiting and declare a Climate Emergency NOW! May the leadership in power cut their connections with the toxic fossil fuel industry and act to save life on Earth and preserve a habitable planet. — Molly

During the rally at Sunday’s March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City, activists decried President Joe Biden’s continued investment in fossil fuels and his refusal to declare a national emergency over the worsening effects of climate change. Louisiana climate justice activist Roishetta Ozane said Biden is “personally accountable” for climate change-fueled natural disasters, while 16-year-old Fridays for Future organizer Helen Mancini proclaimed, “There is not enough time to put this off another term.” Both emphasized the role of impacted communities — from those living in the shadow of toxic production plants to youth facing the prospect of an increasingly uninhabitable planet — in demanding climate action, a call echoed by Teamsters Local 808’s Chris Silvera, who declared that the fight for climate justice “is a workers’ fight.”

Please go here for the original program and full transcript:

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