Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Chelan Harkin: The Feminine Is Here

Coming out of ceremony this past weekend, I am moved to share once again this powerful poem by the deeply gifted Chelan Hawkin. Indeed, the Feminine Is Here! Blessed be. 🙏💗 Molly

Photo by Molly
The Feminine Is Here

The Feminine is here
to crack open your body,
women AND men
and finally release the poison
of every ancient uncleaned wound.
The Feminine is here
to crack open your old ideologies
and shoot new life through you
like a seed
hard and closed for so many years
and suddenly kissed into transformation
by the great destruction
of light
The Feminine is here to pull you
from the measured, surveyed land
at the edge
of the wild forest
of your dreams
and finally toss you
into the mapless territory
of your heart
The Feminine is here
to lay your impressive
certificates of learning
at the feet of inner knowing
to pluck you from the discipleship
of an outward master
and lay you at the altar
of truth
that has been waiting latent
so eager to erupt
from your soul
The Feminine is here
to remind you that God
can live in the earth, in the hips
in the deepest shadows.
That she is planted
like a wild rose
in the darkest
of your pain,
to reteach you
to mother your frailties
rather than dominate them,
bring the wound from exile
into embrace.
The Feminine is here to bring you home
just as you are now
to undo conditions
around enoughness
to undo every patriarchal corset
cinched around your voice and spirit
and return you to the full belly
of your sacred breath.
The Feminine is here to reunite
tenderness with power
to help you source this
from the great hidden sea within
for you to feel the intimacy of God
pulsing her embodied song
through the rivers of your blood
and back to the holy ocean
of your heart.
The Feminine is here to tell us
in no uncertain terms
we are carrying new wisdom,
a gestation of God
in the womb of our consciousness
and a great, never before seen beauty
is soon due
to be born.

— Chelan Harkin

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