Friday, August 4, 2023

Rep. Cori Bush Reintroduces Unhoused Bill of Rights

Thank you Representative Cori Bush!! Yes, there is enough money for no human being to be unhoused. There just needs to be the will and commitment to dismantling greed and the pathological patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that is destroying our country, other nations, and the planet with policies and politicians and practices and moral compassionate collective values that honor and respect and protect life rather than destroy it. — Molly

Missouri Congressmember Cori Bush has reintroduced the Unhoused Bill of Rights, which could provide universal housing in the U.S. by 2027, helping some 1.5 million people who now live on the streets. Bush herself was once unhoused and forced to live in her car with her children. She said, “We have the power and money to end the unhoused crisis. We just need the will to reorient congressional priorities.”

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