Sunday, July 2, 2023

Jack Adam Weber: Please Advocate For the LGBTQ+ Community and Other Marginalized Groups

 Tragically spot on. We must all stand up
for each other. ― Molly

The recent Supreme Court decision on a designer's right to "free speech" continues the war against LGBTQ+ people and sets an unprecedented, discriminatory example that could spill over to other marginalized groups.

The LGBTQ+ community is the new bogey man for a racist and sexist white supremacy,. I really feel for you who identify this way and will continue to advocate for you.

Some members of our Supreme Court have recently been found to have acted in corrupt collusion with white supremacist billionaires. Currently, there is no way to hold them accountable for receiving expensive gifts and vacation favors from these elite creeps, for whom they have decided crucial legal decisions, when the SCOTUS members should have reasonably recused themselves.

Please notice that LGBTQ+ individuals are suffering intense discrimination and their suicide and mental illness rates are skyrocketing. Please advocate for them and other marginalized groups. History shows that this biased and unreasonable hatred in action spreads.

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