Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Face of Misogyny and Patriarchal Violence

It is my belief that it is important to illuminate again and again and again the many faces of misogyny and patriarchal violence towards women. There can be no healing for that which is denied, minimized, hidden away and not talked about, not exposed and seen for what it is. This also isn't just about Trump. Rather he is the malignant narcissistic Poster Boy for the epidemics of entitlement and power over, disrespect and disregard, rage and terror and all forms of violence perpetrated not just on women and girls, but also truly on all that is feminine and sacred. Yes, Trump believes that "millions of years" of sexual assault on women, "unfortunately or fortunately," makes "grabbing them by the pussy" okay, or at least "if you're a star." It is also true that all forms of violence towards women and girls has been going on for millennia and needs finally to be seen for what it is and stopped! The tolerance and perpetuation of systems of patriarchal and misogynistic violence has for so very, very long been a root cause of so much suffering, destruction, and death. We must lower this tolerance by speaking out and taking a stand, a fierce stand, for the accountability, healing, and transformation of ourselves, our nation, and our world to one which respects, cherishes, honors, and protects life rather than destroys it. — Molly

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