Thursday, May 4, 2023

Reflections On the Journey of Awakening

For some time now the term “woke” has tragically been distorted to mean its opposite in 1984 fashion by people who are fearful of 2042. Which is exactly why I once again choose to share this post — it describes the essence of my decades long journey of awakening. I’m countering this fear-based harmful delusion with truth.
It is also my belief and experience that we’ve all absorbed racism, or more accurately stated — caste. For most of us, it may be a lifelong process shedding the many layers of caste that we’ve absorbed into the depths of our being. At least this is my experience. And why I am so highly recommending Isabel Wilkerson’s profound book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents to everyone (
I have found the journey of awakening and shedding our illusions, indoctrination, and ignorance to be a deeply personal and courageous experience. We “wake up” from our misperceptions and what we have absorbed in our toxic culture that has long caused so much harm to ourselves and others.
And it is also a collective experience. The more that we are sharing our individual experiences of being shaken more deeply awake from our slumber, the more ripples are sent out into our world which impacts a greater good for us all. The personal is deeply tied to the collective.
My list is endless of those whose courageous journeys of growing consciousness, healing, and transformation have empowered me to grow in understanding and awareness, shed more and more layers of my delusions, and expand my heart’s capacity for radical empathy, humility, truth, wisdom, and love.
To be “woke” is to be courageously rooted in the ongoing process of awakening and increasingly evolving as human beings into the fullness of our sacred human selves. We awaken from the obstacles which have caused us to experience separation rather than the truth of our sacred connection with all of life. So, yes, please be woke. Please be awakening to the truth of your heart and the deep truths which have for so very long needed to be embraced and embodied. 

Bless us all, no exceptions...

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