Thursday, May 4, 2023

A Powerful Gift to Our Growing Individual and Collective Healing, Consciousness, and Transformation

Two days ago I finished reading Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. Tears. And more tears. My heart is once again broken open.
What a profound experience it is to be courageous enough to take in, to truly begin to absorb, the contents of Caste. Such a gift! One that we all need.
And it’s hard, it’s painful to read. In my session yesterday with my therapist I processed more of my grief. There are so many layers. And I asked him if he’d read the book. “Yes,” he said, “and I’m reading Caste for a second time now.”
Deepest respect and gratitude to Isabel Wilkerson. What an amazing, courageous, beautiful human being! Her voice of truth, wisdom, courage, vision, compassion and love is a powerful gift to us all.
And it is no wonder why Caste is being banned. It’s that powerful. And why I absolutely have needed to purchase and read it and spread the word. 
May more and more of us also be courageously inspired to open our hearts to deeper truths, greater healing, and the amazing transformation that emerges as we shed the obstacles to love.



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