Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Talented and Practiced In Every Vice — That Is Your Leader

Wow! So horrifyingly, tragically true. 

In reading this, I’m reminded of how we all are drawn to those who mirror ourselves, both our unhealed deep wounds and the ways in which we have walled up and abandoned our hearts — AND also those who reflect our unclaimed strengths, gifts, beauty, purpose and potential. 

Trump and his followers are a profoundly tragic and dangerous reflection of the shadow side of our nation. They are human, but have lost touch with their humanity. Trump is also but a symbol of something so much greater than he and his followers. 

And he reminds us that wounded human beings who are severed from the wisdom of their hearts are incredibly dangerous — and especially when wielding great power over families and communities, political and media systems, our nation, our world. 

Such frightening, sad times we live in. And also such reminders of the deep need for us individually and collectively to not lose touch with our hearts but rather to again and again and again speak and act out of integrity, truth, fierce compassion, and the highest good for us all. — Molly

Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle, violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work, grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace, treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy.
That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame.
No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision.
You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong.
Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”
Advocatus Peregrini
Drawing: Stable Genius by Siegfried Woldhek, pen & ink, October 12, 2019.

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