Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Beautiful Creative Gifts of My Dear Friend Olivia Marie

I am moved to share this stunning new website for my dear friend and soulful sister. Beautiful!! I love, appreciate, and honor the beauty, creativity, healing, inspiration, and depth of love and wisdom and heart and soul of the gifts that Olivia Marie brings to our hearts and our world. Watching the growth and evolution over many years now of my beautiful sister has been a treasure for me to witness and be part of. Thank you, thank you, Olivia! 🙏💗Molly

Painting by Olivia Marie

LOVE from Mexico and the Mother of the People......Tonantzin/Guadalupe
Dear Beloveds,
On this Valentine’s day 2/14/2023, I am so excited to announce the launching of my newly revised website, gypsyheartstudio.com. 
Creating art is one of my passions as is teaching and witnessing others connect to their muse. My dear sister of Intentional Creativity and Musea community, Annette Wagner helped me with the new format and offered her expertise in the process. 
There is now an on-line store option available to purchase cards and prints and other items. Please contact me if you wish to purchase an original painting or order a giclee’. Some of my paintings are in the Milieu gallery in Portland. Please check out their beautiful space. http://milieupdx.com 
I appreciate you taking a moment to view my website, I am happy with the new changes and revised platform to share my paintings and offer my services as a teacher and mentor.
May Love be at the center of all your choices…. (something I aspire to do each day.)
Much love and gratitude for all your support and love, 
Olivia Marie 
Much gratitude to Annette Wagner... 
“Inside you there’s an artist you don’t know about… say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the universe.”― Rumi

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