Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Some Thoughts On Being "Woke"

It’s been both amazing and incredibly sad to witness how the courageous journey of awareness and awakening and embodying greater and greater interconnection, empathy, humility, compassion, kindness, caring, and love for all beings has been pathologized and propagandized to mean something negative, bad, harmful by so many. 

May we use this prevalence of harmful behaviors and beliefs to strengthen our resolve to extend ripples which heal and help and lessen harm rather than add to it. May we expand our circle of caring in an ongoing way to ultimately include all of life. May we be rooted in the intention to do no harm, to heal and transform our individual and collective trauma, to act out of the consciousness of a higher good, and to be growing our capacity to more and more deeply awaken from our illusions of separation. We are all connected, all related, all matter.πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ™ Molly

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