Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Glenn English: This Is Not a Conspiracy Theory

Recently I have posted several pieces on trauma. It is my belief and my experience that strengthening our hearts by first attending to our own personal truama empowers us to see and respond in the highest good to the trauma which tragically permeates our culture and beyond. 

I need to thank Glenn English for his truth-telling, so essential to these times. For there to be any solution, first we must see the problem. As Glenn accurately states, this is not a drill. It cannot be overstated how dangerous these times are. — Molly

Rep. Jim Jordan talks with McCarthy in the House chamber as the House meets on January 4, 2023, to elect a speaker. Andrew Harnik/AP

Never forget that after a small army of right wing extremists directed by registered White supremacist hate groups attempted to overthrow the US government, most Republicans voted to nullify the most secure a presidential election in history.
Since then, Republicans rarely even make a concerted effort to hide their countless, direct ties to multiple registered White supremacist hate groups. It’s become the norm in the “Freedom Caucus,” which now pulls the strings of the party. Republican congresspersons have literally headlined White supremacist conferences, including those held by the infamous, racist neoNazi, Nick Fuentes, who openly praises Hitler and supports the expulsion of all Jews from the US.
The leading right wing news program, the most watched news show on the planet, regularly coordinates with the leaders of some of the most infamous registered White supremacist hate groups, and pushes their fundamental ideology, White replacement theory, on a near nightly basis.
People who are literally advocating the creation of the “Fourth Reich,” via a theocratic White supremacist ethnostate to replace the United States, have nearly unlimited control over today’s GOP. Sadly, that’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s an incontrovertible and easily verifiable fact.
This is not a drill.
Glenn English 

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