Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Man Who Embodies All 7 Deadly Sins

WOW! This nails it! — Molly

It’s hard to even imagine a person who more accurately fits the Christian Bible’s predictions about the Antichrist.
The Christian Bible condemns greed… Donald Trump boasts about being the greediest person who ever lived! As if that’s a good thing.
The Christian Bible condemns boasting, and warns that the Antichrist will be a prolific boaster. When it comes to boasting, Trump is in a league of his own. He has literally claimed that he, the man who thought there were airplanes in the Revolutionary War, is the smartest man alive. He’s claimed to know more about the military than any general. He’s claimed to know more about wind turbines than the people who design them. He claimed to know more about climate science than the planet’s foremost climate scientists. He has repeatedly suggested that he is the successor to Jesus Christ, which is another thing that the Bible predicted about the Antichrist.
He cheated on his first wife with his second wife, among others. He cheated on his second wife with his third wife, among others. While his third wife was pregnant with their son, he boasted about having sex with married women, and even grabbing them by “the pussy.” He also said that he was eating Tic Tacs in case he made a pass at the reporter that was about to interview him. After his son was born, he had sex with a porn star, who he later paid off to keep silent, which his fixer ended up going to jail for.
According to the fact-checking industry, the sheer volume of his proven lies was so astronomically enormous that the industry couldn’t keep up. No one in the history of American politics has even come close to the astounding amount of lies he was caught in. No one else even in the same ballpark. The Bible refers to the Antichrist as the “great liar.”
Any way you slice it, if your allegiance is to Donald Trump, your allegiance is to the Antichrist.
Glenn English

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