Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Janet Quinn: I Am a Woman Bathing in the Bliss of the Company of Other Women

Ceremonial Arbor, Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony, 2019

I Am a Woman Bathing in the Bliss of the
Company of Other Women

Sitting in a circle, women beside me; women across from me; women around me; women listening to me; women understanding me; women appreciating me; women admiring me; women comforting me; women laughing with me; women keening with me; women celebrating with me; women outraged with me; women creating with me; women allowing me to create my own way. Women healing each other; women healing the world;  women longing for peace; women uniting for justice; women choosing love and forgiveness; women visioning; women in the world; women in the home; women mothering children; women tending men; women nursing parents; women running institutions; women struggling; women overcoming; women growing; women dying. Women, huge and tiny, bold and shy, wide and full, long and athletic; wise, strong, tender, holy, compassionate, vital, brilliant, magnificent, multicolored, multitalented, multifaceted, sparkling, glimmering, light-giving gems of Creation, women! I am a woman bathing in the bliss of the company of other women.

  —Janet Quinn
From I Am a Woman Finding My Voice

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