Sunday, October 30, 2022

Dispelling the Myth of Joe Biden Being a "Radical Leftist"

 Sadly spot on. I wish he were a radical leftist
rather than the antithesis of a progressive. 
— Molly

Joe Biden was the primary architect of every major piece of “tough on crime” legislation for the last four decades. If you believe the QAnon GOP’s wacko nonsense about him being a radical leftist, you are are either profoundly ignorant or a complete and utter imbecile.
Joe Biden used to attack Reagan on crime from the right!
Biden wrote the crime bill that created the nine billion dollar expansion of the private prison industry and the racist, draconian mandatory sentencing laws designed to fill those prisons and keep them full, turning us into the largest prison nation on earth. It was literally referred to as “the Biden Crime Bill.”
Biden wrote the Civil Assets Forfeiture bill as well, with his close friend, the infamously racist right wing extremist, Strom Thurmond. It’s been used to terrorize and rob people, particularly poor POC, ever since, by incentivizing law agencies to function like organized crime extortionists. Some years they pull in more stolen cash and assets from people who haven’t been convicted or even accused of crimes than all burglaries in the US combined!
Biden is literally the person who came up with the concept of the Drug Czar!
It was Biden that wrote the infamous law punishing crack cocaine possession at the same rate as 100 times the amount of yuppy cocaine.
The list goes on and on. Biden was always a Democratic Party bridge to the GOP, and he helped to install some of the most egregious far right judges. He and his family were very close personal friends with the Cheneys. As head of the Foreign Relations Committee, he was far and away the main promoter of the war in Iraq in the Democratic Party.
It would be wonderful if Biden really was the radical leftist that the lunatic right has been trying to paint him as, but in reality, that contention, being made by every batshit QAnon GOP candidate, is laughably absurd, to put it mildly.
Glenn English

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