Friday, October 28, 2022

A Lovely Day For a Walk

 "Spiritual practice involves, on the one hand, acting out of concern for others' well-being. On the other, it entails transforming ourselves so that we become more readily disposed to do so."  
Dalai Lama

My sweet friend and I took this selfie yesterday when we were on a lovely walk together. Ron and I were at the family's home this past weekend when we learned that this mom, who hasn't been in the United States for very long, continues to feel uncomfortable walking alone. That's when it came to me to set up a date to go for a walk together. So that's what we did yesterday.

Such a happy time. It was a beautiful day as she and I walked the streets near her home in Vancouver. And we'd stop every so often to exchange communication via google translate. And to hug and smile. And then we'd walk on. Afterwards we had tea and cookies together. Then we went shopping with one of her adult daughters.

* * *

My heart beams with the new friends that my husband and I have made since last January when we first began our volunteer work with refugees coming to our area from Afghanistan and Syria. It truly has been such a blessing and deep joy.

Yes, there are also times of deep sadness. Like when we hear glimpses into the trauma that these families and individuals have been through and their harrowing journeys to safety with so much loss and trauma along the way. 

Or when we hear how they experience racism here in America.

But then we get to do things together like visit the river or a waterfall, or have our new neighbors over to visit on our patio, or share meals, or help transport somewhere, or take a lovely walk. And more. All a gift.

Because this isn't just good medicine for the hearts of our Afghan and Syrian friends. It is also good medicine for my heart and for Ron's.

* * * 

Sometimes it is overwhelming to know how much hatred and ignorance, bigotry and racism, anger and violence is directed at immigrants and refugees and other marginalized peoples. It breaks my heart! And infuriates me! All of which moves me to take action.

It's the way I cope. Bill McKibben and so many others have said that activism is the antidote to despair. So true. So true.

I can't take away the bone deep ignorance and woundedness in other human beings that is at the core of racism, hateful judgments, harmful beliefs, and violent actions. But I can heal my own heart and what I have absorbed that has separated me from the experience of connection and ever deepening understanding of myself and my planetary sisters and brothers.

And I can go for a walk with my sweet friend. And we can communicate through google translate and hugs and smiles. We can warm and care for each other's hearts. 

And I get to be the change that so many of us deeply yearn for and want to see in the world.

And every step that any of us do to help where there has been harm, to love where there has been hate, to own and heal and transform our own ignorance and prejudices and implicit biases, to simply be kind all of this matters. And matters deeply. 

Bless us all, no exceptions...

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