Thursday, September 22, 2022

Henry Giroux: When Books Are Banned

Blessed are the truth-tellers, the artists and poets, the visionaries and wisdom-keepers, the activists and authors who illuminate the larger pictures of what is essential for us to see, know, absorb, and act upon. Henry Giroux is certainly among them. May we be passionate truth-seekers. May we listen and be changed, deepened, inspired, and grow in compassionate and fierce activism and truth-telling ourselves, ever expanding how it is that we act out of the consciousness of a higher good for us all. — Molly

The rise of fascist politics across the globe has frightening echoes with a poisonous past indebted to racial cleansing and a politics of disposability. When books are banned, black and brown people are dehumanized and shipped across borders as if they were garbage to be thrown away, teachers and librarians are punished for teaching about a genocidal past that right-wingers wish to erase, universities turn their backs on the growing threat of tyranny by focusing on learning objectives instead of civic issues, politics is degraded by calls for political violence, women's rights are nullified, and the courts are corrupted by right-wing extremists, fascism no longer becomes a threat, it crashes down on us like an atomic explosion. If we don't act collectively to address this nightmare, an authoritarian past will become our new reality.

Henry Giroux 


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