Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Bill McKibben: Record Heat Wave in Europe Is Latest Warning That Action on Climate Can’t Wait

Those who obstruct the urgently needed systemic changes in response to the climate catastrophe are the greatest criminals on Earth. Author, activist, truth-teller, visionary Bill McKibben is among those who have been warning us about the suicidal trajectory we’ve been on for decades. When will we humans listen and rise up collectively to stop the madness?!? Molly 

A scorching heat wave continues to fuel wildfires across southern Europe and parts of North Africa, resulting in hundreds of heat-related deaths and forcing thousands to evacuate their homes. The record-breaking temperatures come as Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has effectively killed President Biden’s Build Back Better climate legislation after stringing Biden along for 18 months. “It’s appalling, but it’s not unexpected. It’s why we have to keep building movements bigger,” says Bill McKibben, climate author, educator, environmentalist and founder of the organizations Third Act and

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