Sunday, July 31, 2022

A Message of Thanks, Wisdom and Gratitude, and Love From My Husband

Tears. I am beyond grateful that my husband is home from the hospital. It has been such a harrowing week! I also wept as I first read this message from Ron and felt into the depths of truth of what he speaks to here. It is truly a lifelong journey for Ron and myself and I believe for most of us, if we are so blessed to evolve and deepen in our capacity to be vulnerable and to trust, to experience connection and worthiness and belonging, and to know in our deepest being that we do not need to earn love. It is also my experience that Brené Brown’s book Daring Greatly is indeed such a profound gift that continues to touch so many so deeply, including myself and my beloved. Deepest gratitude for our countless incredible blessings. May these gifts that life offers and which often emerge out of challenging times grow for us all. 🙏💜 Molly

 From Ron to Everyone
For Their Support

Thank you more than I can say to everyone who wished me prayers, and expressed concern and caring during the past weeks misadventure. It must have worked, since I’m home and, curiously, as far as the underlying myositis weakness, I feel stronger than when I went in.
As far as the blood clots in the lungs, I don't think there will be any long term damage, but just more drugs to take for the next 6 months or so to keep those pesky clots at bay.
The time in the ICU took me thru the classic Keebler elves stages of terror (you just breeze by denial in an ambulance), acceptance of the reality of the moment, and that the hospital espresso machine is down, the calm that comes with knowing you will be all right, and finally, boredom.
There were moments I felt useful, - working on a landscape design for the ambulance EMT on the way to Portland, one with the nurse as I was being gurneyed to the ER, and with another nurse in my room. She will send me some photos of her yard later.
Because of Molly’ play by play journaling, this was one well documented week. And because of that, the sheer number of folks reaching out was overwhelming. We remain humbled and grateful. And since I was reading Brené Brown while there, I have to touch on my awareness of feelings of “unworthiness”, that arose. A lifelong condition. Gratefully, I could, and did just crack open ‘Daring Greatly’, to be reminded that one does not need to earn love.
Thank you everyone. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad Ron is back home and feels so much better. I am thankful for both of your sharings and the gift you both are to the world. Deep heart and honor to you both.
