Sunday, May 8, 2022

Will Hornyak: For Mothers and the Great Mother

This is simply extraordinary. Amazing, deep, beautiful, heartfelt and soulful, loving and Sacred. Thank you so much to our incredibly gifted friend, Will. Deepest gratitude. 🙏💗 Molly

For Mothers and the Great Mother
Blessed be
Mothers of children
Mothers of hearth fires and homes
Mothers of ideas and imagination
Mothers of magic, mystery and wisdom
Mothers of holy flames
Mothers of holy causes
Mothers of revolutions
Midwives of creative brilliance
Wombs of infinite compassion
Wombs of wild courage.
Blessed be
Those who give
The milk of themselves freely
To this world
Who sow seeds
Of vision and kindness
Who birth beauty
Lead, nourish
Heal and mend
The torn fabric
Of this world.
Blessed be
The fierce souls
Who make medicine
Of past pain
And birth themselves
Again and again
From unspeakable sorrows.
Blessed be
Mother Earth
From whose clay
We are formed
From whose womb
We are born
To whose tomb
We will return. 
Blessed be the immortals
Inanna, Athena, Yemanja
Maeve, Mary, Brigit, The Magdalene
Scheherazade, Freya, Pachamama
Pele, Kali, Kwan Yin
And countless others
Who dwell in the spirit
Of the Great Mother
Who births, sustains
Protects and nourishes
The myriad forms
Of this world.
Will Hornyak 
(Dedicated to my mother Katherine Kennedy Hornyak, my sister Nancy Hornyak and my beloved wife Concetta Antonelli)

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