Sunday, May 1, 2022

There Is More Than One Big Lie

Any time that we hear an economist or anyone say that our economy is going strong, is doing well, is looking good just know that we are being lied to.
There is more than one Big Lie circulating that is infecting, dividing, distracting, and perpetuating the great suffering in our nation and across the Earth. Tragically, there are so many. So many.
I feel the infuriating madness of these lies, this propaganda that we are immersed in that keeps far too many of us uninformed and ignorant, apathetic and inactive, polarized and disempowered.
I am moved to respond to these lies by speaking the truth again and again and again. And one big truth that I believe that we all need to know is that the late stage patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system we live under is destroying our nation and the planet. It cannot be fixed. It must go.
Another world is possible and trying to birth herself. This is what we all can find our unique ways to support and be part of. 

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