Thursday, May 19, 2022

Some Thoughts On the Larger Picture Behind Bush's "Gaffe" In Speech and His Calling Ukraine Iraq

Former President George W. Bush: “The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.”

These words straight out of the mouth of one of our very own war criminals. Even W couldn’t stop this Freudian slip. Sickening! Makes my heart hurt!

These projections onto other madmen and other nations of the atrocities and crimes against humanity that our country has forever done just infuriates me. 

When will we stop giving platforms and praise, mindless laughter and heartless complicity, and active perpetuation and deadly denial to the powerful American perpetrators of profound brutality and catastrophic suffering and death? 

When will American war criminals ever be held accountable?? When will we awaken from our ignorance and amnesia? When will there ever be justice?!? 

When will our nation refuse to continue its perpetual justification for violence and domination? When will we the American people illuminate the devastating consequences of the illusion and propaganda of American exceptionalism?? When will we as a people say NO MORE!

When will truth prevail?? Another world is possible! Molly 

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