Saturday, May 21, 2022

Change In Date For My Mother's Memorial Service (October 2nd)

 Remembering My Mom

Nancy Marilyn Moesta Strong died two years ago on June 20th, 2020 at the age of 94. Living in this pandemic era, it was not possible to do an in-person memorial to honor my mother until now.

When our spiritual community first reopened its doors again in April after two years of closure due to Covid, I initially had been hoping to hold this service close to what would have been my mom's 96th birthday in June. However, it has now become clear to me that setting a summer date meant that many people would be away on June 12th and not able to attend as was the case with my son Matt and daughter-in-law Rubi and several other close friends and family members. 

We have therefore decided to move the date into the fall. This is the updated information for my mother's memorial service at Portland Insight Meditation Community (PIMC):

  • Date and time: Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 at 3:00
  • Place: PIMC is located at 6513 SE Duke Street, Portland, OR 97206
  • Tea and light snacks will be provided in the living room at PIMC following the service 
  • Shoes are not worn in the Dharma Hall 
  • Zoom will be available to those not living in the area, but wishing to attend. (If interested, please let me know by calling, texting, or emailing me at 
I will be sending out another reminder with additional information as the date draws closer.
There was no service for my father or my twin brother at the times of their deaths many years ago. This ceremony in honor of my mom and our family is something deeply meaningful to me and which I am very grateful to be able to now do. What an amazing journey it has been.
Blessed be.... 💗 Molly

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