Monday, April 11, 2022

Our Crazy April 11th Snowstorm!

Our wintry home in April
Some of our tulips and other flowers will survive and others will not
My husband shakes the snow off of our bamboo that was weighted down and hanging all the way into our pond.
The community altar that my husband made years ago after Sandy Hook For the Children, For Peace
 Looking Deeper
So crazy!! An April 11th snowstorm down to the valley floor here at our home in Vancouver, Washington and in all surrounding areas and beyond. A first! WOW!! And last week we'd hit 75 degrees. And two weeks ago I filled most of my pots with new flowers. Then this....
I could have just posted pictures to Facebook and here of pretty flowers and the beauty of this snowfall. But I can't do only that. I choose to not just do that.
Because there are too many record breaking firsts and more... Deadly summer heat dome, crazy April snowstorm, ongoing catastrophic wildfires, and on and on. Our warming planet is speaking to us. Will we listen? And respond? In mass? The changing climate we are all experiencing continues to shock, to be both beautiful and horrifying, and to shake us awake out of our complacency and invite and implore us to take action. Now. 
Every ripple matters that we take conscious responsibility for creating. Every one. All hands on deck! Even just educating ourselves ever more deeply about the climate crisis and our warming planet is a vital act each of us can take who are living outside of survival and in some degree of privilege. 
Just imagine if we all did this and then went on to spread the word again and again about what we are learning. What a huge action step for us individually and collectively to take — one which breaks through the deadly and breathtaking silence, denial and doubt, misinformation and disinformation about the greatest existential threat humanity has ever faced. 
Just imagine if we each did our part. Just imagine. 
Bless us all. Bless all beings. 
Bless our Sacred Earth Mother.
All is holy.

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