Friday, March 4, 2022

Recommended Documentary — Facing Adversity: Choosing Earth, Choosing Life

In the midst of so much destruction, suffering, and planetary peril, there are these bright rays of light which are illuminating both the truth of the crises we are in and a path forward — if we choose it. Which we must. The hour is late. — Molly

 Facing Adversity: Choosing Earth,
Choosing Life
About the Film
Facing Adversity: Choosing Earth, Choosing Life is a 70-minute documentary that explores the speed, depth and magnitude of our growing planetary crisis, and the opportunity to meet this crisis consciously. The film begins with a visual exploration of key adversity trends facing humanity (climate change, economic growth, inequity, and more) and offers a wider whole systems perspective and a deeper inquiry into what is being called forth from humanity. Learning to work with this paradox — an unfolding global crisis and the opportunity to awaken to and care for the well being of all of life — is the work ahead. The film includes Joanna Macy, Duane Elgin, Jack Kornfield, Victoria Santos, Nate Hagens, Beena Sharma and more as well as stories from around the world on impacts of our time of transition.

Watch the trailer: 

Watch the documentary:

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