Saturday, March 5, 2022

Olivia Marie Oso: We Pray For All Beings

 This is a beautiful prayer written by my dear
longtime friend and soulful sister, Olivia Marie Oso. 
Deep bow of gratitude and love. ๐Ÿ™ Molly

Slavic Mother Goddess Berehynia, Kiev Ukraine
Calling to all Gods, Goddesses, Benevolent Spirits, Guides, Guardians, Creator and the Great Beloved, Holy Mother of All....

We pray to you. We pray for all the mothers who are shielding their young ones from the bullets and bombs. We pray for your protection of all grandmothers and grandfathers and elders whose lives have been disrupted and displaced. We pray for those brave souls who have chosen to stay and fight for their country.... for those unable to leave and for those separated from their loved ones.

For the brave civilians who are rising up to aid the soldiers of Ukraine. For the compassionate beings who are providing aid and comfort to those dying and injured. We pray for those who left behind their homes, their pets, their jobs, their Motherland. 

We pray for all the thousands who are now refuges in new lands and we pray for the neighboring countries who are tending to them. We pray for the temples and holy sites, the places of worship which are being disrupted and destroyed. May history not be forgotten. We pray for the earth and all Her relatives who are experiencing the trauma of war and destruction. 

Oh Beloved Mother of All, Hear the cries of the people, the cries of the land, sea and air…… May the eyes of the World see what is happening and may we all unite for the highest Good of Humanity. May all countries unite in solidarity against tyranny and evil. May we join hands, hearts and minds to battle the forces of hatred and war. We pray for all Beings…. 

May Light find its way into the darkness of the times and illuminate the Way forward. May we build bridges to peace and healing, We cry out to you, oh Beloved Mother Goddess, Hear our Prayers, guide our actions and help us help one another to end this bloodshed and destruction. Help us be kind, generous, compassionate and May Love prevail. 

Amen, Blessed Be
Olivia Marie Oso 
Please go here for Olivia's website:

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