Sunday, March 13, 2022

Chelan Harkin: Heart Warriors

Photo by Molly

Heart Warriors
Here's to the heart warriors
who awkwardly, anxiously, timidly
but courageously
do what they can to open that beating fistful
of God every day
and share its beauty.
Here's to those who refuse to stop
bringing forth the balm of their precious light
to the thirsty lips of the world.
Here's to those who believe
our pride can be pulverized
into tenderness
if we keep opening to honesty
and to those who keep working to make diamonds
from that coal.
Here's to those who never stop
believing this world
can be so much more than it is,
who know that is a rose 
inside of this bud
and to those who never stop using
their lives to water it.
Chelan Harkin
From Let Us Dance: The Stumble
and Whirl With the Beloved 

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