Sunday, February 13, 2022

EXCELLENT INTERVIEW! ― Marianne Williamson DRAGS Joe Biden on MSNBC

THIS IS EXCELLENT! So incredibly spot on. Please consider watching and sharing.

For too long we’ve given a pass to those in power and been complicit in justifying the continuation of a toxic status quo. We've not been putting principles before personalities. I say this with the humility of certainly been among those who've unknowingly enabled the deadly trajectory that we've long been on. But no more!
Over the many years of my passionate commitment to pursuing the truth wherever it leads, I've come to recognize the tragic truth of how spot on Noam Chomsky is when he states that Americans are a "profoundly propagandized people." Makes my heart hurt. 
This video reminds also me that I’m still grieving that Bernie Sanders isn’t our president rather than the one we have with his long record of neoliberalism. And, again, this isn't about personalities. It is about the principles embodied in our belief systems, our actions, our values, and what we stand strongly against and stand strongly for.
Is Biden better than trump? Of course. But that’s an incredibly low bar, and one which certainly won’t save us from the ever growing encroachment of fascism and the planetary peril of our dangerously warming planet which is putting everything that we love and cherish at risk. 
So thank you Marianne Williamson and, yes, Biden is failing. And we urgently need to stop giving him and all corporate democrats and corporate republicans a pass. Our tolerance for the continued great suffering across our nation and the planet must be lowered. It must. Another world is possible. And we must fight for it together. ― Molly

 Please go here for the original: 

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