Thursday, January 13, 2022

Jeff Brown: Some Thoughts On Choosing Our Experiences, Victimhood, Manifestation, and More

This post from Jeff Brown may sound harsh. But, to me, it feels important to share. I say this because, at age 70, I have been pulled into false teachers over the years who I once thought held such wisdom, but who ultimately caused me and my family harm. I have also witnessed this as happening to many others. 

Jeff Brown is but one among others who have validated my experiences through shining bright light on the different forms that spiritual bypassing can take. Jeff offers perspectives which expose the distortions and the harmful impacts of any teaching which leads us away from empathy and kindness, tenderness and compassion, wholeness and love. What I have discovered over the years is that there are many who are regarded as powerful and wise spiritual teachers who not only do not help us to awaken from our illusions of separation, but who actually lead us away from the journey of becoming fully embodied humans who are growing into the wholeness of who we truly are. And to the degree that we are disconnected from ourselves is the degree that we will experience separation from the web of life. 

More and more of us are sharing our stories of peeling back the layers of our illusions only to realize that "The Secret," Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, and many others who may be particularly popular and idealized in New Age Circles — are leading us farther away from being more truly, fiercely, heartfully human

In speaking the truth, sharing our stories, shining bright light on dark places, and exposing the illusions and harm done by those false "healers" and what they are trying to sell us, we become empowered to see with new eyes and not buy what they are selling. Too many are retraumatized by wounded human beings who have not done their own heartwork and whose teachings not only do not help, but cause us harm. 

Questioning all spiritual teachers and healers, cultivating discernment and healthy boundaries, listening more and more to the wisdom of our hearts, and rooting increasingly into a path of truth, compassion, and love helps us to shed the obstacles we've built against love and the misplaced trust in teachers who are not worthy of our trust. Bless us all on our journeys. Molly

Next time you have a terrible thing happen to you and someone says "You chose your every experience," knock them unconscious 🙂. When they come to, ask them to thank you for fulfilling their dream. And then, insist that they forgive you before they have even healed their head wound. Then tell them that "pain is an illusion- just be aware of it, witness it, and you will come into the Power of Now." Then, remind them that there are no victims and that they just need to "turn around" their story of victimhood. When they try to get up, push them back down on the ground, and remind them that "everything you see and experience is a reflection of you." That is, ”you must have had some issues that you needed to look at around violence. I gave you a gift. Be grateful.” Ask them for some money in exchange. Tell them to give you their pin number. When they begin to get angry, remind them that anger and judgments are substandard emotions and that there is never anyone to blame. If this doesn’t soften their edges, inform them that the ego is the enemy, and that the part of them that is perceiving this situation as unacceptable and is merely misidentified… “You are trapped in the matrix, and seeing the world through that limited lens.” Tell them you are here to liberate them. And then, steal their wallet, so they can learn another valuable lesson about attachment and manifestation.
p.s. Do not actually do this.
Jeff Brown 

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