Monday, January 10, 2022

Jeff Brown: It's Time

 An excellent piece by Jeff Brown. 
Deep gratitude. 🙏 Molly


We have been riding a raucous river together for some time, as a cacophony of challenges push up against us individually and collectively. And we have lost many good people along the way, to the virus and the stresses of our time. It has been a hard ride, and it’s not quite over yet. 

At the same time, many of us have responded to these challenges by finally doing the deeper work to acknowledge and heal our trauma. Being locked inside of a space, with very few familiar outlets, has had the effect of forcing us to go deeper into the caverns of our consciousness to excavate old memories and wounds. Not to glorify this horrifying pandemic, but it has been a healing experience for many. 

It is my greatest hope that this healing continues, long after the pandemic comes to an end. Because we will then have to confront the greatest challenge of our time climate change. And our best chance of confronting it, is to show up as healed and purposeful agents of change. The more work we have done on the inside, the more powerful we will be on the outside. And it is powerful that we need. 

Because the climate change challenge, is merely a symptom of the deeper issues: systemic abuse of power, mindless materialism and greed, a long list of structures and entities that are designed to obstruct our sovereignty. And those unconscionable systems will not surrender their power easily. Not a chance. The more intact we are as individuals and the more united we are collectively, the better our chances of actually making a difference. 

As hard as it is right now, it is my hope that we use this moment as an opportunity where possible to do the inner work that will prepare us to effect real change. We all know that anything less than profound change will only ensure our collective demise. The planet will survive the practices of the unconscionable, but our species won’t. 

Sacred activism is the only thing that can save us now. We must rid ourselves of the disempowering distractions that plague us, and ground ourselves in the realities before us. Time’s up on unconscionable capitalism, time’s up on patriarchal malfeasance, time’s up on imagining ourselves insignificant. It’s time for us all to join forces and co-create a world that honors humanity and our planetary home. It’s time...

Jeff Brown 

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