Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Joan Borysenko: Prayers for a Renewed and Resurrected World

The process of healing 
is one of self-realization. 
It is a peeling away from the fears, 
concepts and negativity that obscure 
the light of our own true nature 
and its innate essence of compassion, 
creativity, wisdom and love. 

May you be at peace, 
May your heart remain open, 
May you awaken to the light of 
your own true nature, 
May you be healed, 
May you be a source of healing 
for all beings.
May Respect crowd out the weed of 
Violence and Community spring from the
ashes of Isolation. May the stories
of our grandmothers and grandfathers once
again nourish the souls of our children.

May we see the Divine in one another and
in nature that the Earth may be healed
and all her children have an abundance of
food, freedom, and loving-kindness
as we give willingly and with
heartfelt joy to one another.

May the music of shared laughter replace
cries of suffering as the Great Tree of Peace 
takes root in every heart.
May we offer a renewed and resurrected
World to the Creator with infinite
gratitude ad thanksgiving.
Joan Borysenko
Excerpted in part from 
Prayers for a Thousand Years 

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