Saturday, December 25, 2021

Holiday Greetings From Our Family to Yours

Our home in winters past.

Hiking this year at Smith Rock in Central Oregon

Warmest holiday greetings to friends and family near and far! 

This has been both a wonderful and a challenging year. Ron and I continue to deeply appreciate all the gifts of retirement. Included are camping trips to the Oregon coast, Central Oregon, Lopez Island in the San Juans and more with both family and friends. Our greatest joy was our trip to Victoria to visit Kevin, Arlyne, Ethan, Rain, and Gloria in October. It had been exactly 19 months since we were last able to see our Canadian family. We are so incredibly grateful that the border is open once again! 

Ron and I also traveled to Michigan where we enjoyed treasured visits with family and friends. This was also a very special journey back to the home of my childhood and ancestors where I completed the process of burying of my mom, this time next to both my dad and brother and also my mother’s parents and the maternal side of our family. A sacred experience for which I am deeply grateful. 

Ron and I also continue to love being Grandpa Ron and Grammie! Our grandchildren are now 2 (Audrey), 3 (Ethan), 4 (Eleanor), 5 (Carsten), and 6 (Oliver). They are each so precious, so beautiful, so loved. 

One other deep blessing this year has been the approval of Rubi’s visa and her subsequent move to finally, finally!, join Matt in Oregon in September as a legal resident. We are all so incredibly happy that Matthew and his beautiful wife get to experience the holidays and every day together! 

Overall, this has been a rich year with so much to be grateful for. All this said, I also need to acknowledge that 2021 has been very hard for so many and in so many different ways. Knowing this, I continue to hold deep and abiding prayers for the healing and awakening on Earth and within us all that is needed to create a more just, kind, peaceful and sustainable world. 

Best wishes to you this holiday season and in the coming New Year. May you be well. May kindness, compassion, and love be your guiding light. 

With love and blessings... 

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