Saturday, December 11, 2021

Extending Birthday Wishes and the Deepest Respect and Gratitude To Noam Chomsky

Happy Belated Birthday to Noam Chomsky, who turned 93 on December 7th. He is truly a national and international treasure! 

And, it must be noted, the voice of Professor Chomsky is never, and I do mean never, heard on corporate funded media. We Americans are systematically deprived of so much of the experience, truth, courage, and wisdom of our most valuable elders. 

Over time, and through my own many years of deep research and learning and waking up to greater truths, I've come to realize that there is a reason for this. 

Noam Chomsky refers to Americans as a "profoundly propagandized people," and the impact of our ignorance can be seen everywhere. From the devastation of the climate crisis to endless wars to the runaway pandemic to ever growing poverty and polarization and suffering and on and on — all of this and more is connected with the disinformation and distractions and lies that absolutely fuel the suicidal trajectory that we've long been on. 

These tragedies could have been avoided. But then democracy depends on an informed citizenry. And our populace is largely under the trance of polarizing propaganda rather than empowered with integrity, compassion, facts and truth.

Which is why turning to Noam Chomsky and other trusted and revered resources of information, of integrity, of truth and wisdom is a profound imperative of our times. May courage be contagious. May we all be inspired to grow in the fierceness of our pursuit of and commitment to truth. 


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