Thursday, November 11, 2021

Dorothy Lennon: Connecting the Dots Between Veterans Day and the Military Industrial Complex, the Failures of COP2, and the Perils of Our Times

I am moved to share these quotes from Dorothy Lennon, who I know on Facebook only, but who I hold with respect and gratitude for her voice of truth. She draws out the vital connections between the military industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry, corrupted politicians from both major political parties, the failures of any actual meaningful accomplishments at 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), and the costs of power in the hands of psychopaths and others who again and again have acted against what is needed to end endless wars and to sustain a habitable planet. It is my belief that there is a vital need for us all to be connecting these dots and joining with those already on the front lines of fighting together for radical and long overdue critically needed systemic changes. ― Molly

Well, it did not take much to draw me out of my Facebook break. I feel like quoting Michael Corleone, “Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in!”
What drove me to make this post? The early draft resolution from the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26 and Abby Martin.
The early drafts mention gradually moving away from coal. Yet, it make NO mention of cutting our dependence on fossil fuels. Just as important, there is no mention of cutting the bloated Pentagon budget or militarism: an equal threat to earth’s survival.
Thankfully this was not lost on journalist, Abby Martin. When she grilled Nancy Pelosi about the increase in spending and how the Pentagon contributes to climate destruction, the Speaker tried to downplay it by saying the Pentagon has at least acknowledged climate destruction is a threat to national security.
This is turning into one of the most embarrassing conferences in history. From world leaders throwing coins into pools for good luck, to Joe Biden falling asleep and now Nancy Pelosi running cover for the destruction the Pentagon is doing to our planet.
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When I come across theocratic Republicans, they almost always demand the 10 Commandments be placed outside every courthouse.
But as Kurt Vonnegut once noticed, the same Republicans or theocrats never demand passages about Jesus demanding the poor be prioritized, him criticizing the rich or praising the peacemakers to be placed outside courthouses or government buildings.
It seems many theocrats and Republicans want a theocracy for the rich and the war-makers.
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As the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP26 comes to a close, it’s evident the oligarchy and corporate forces will continue to parasitically eat away at our planet until it is no more.
It is one of the final death nails in our planet’s coffin.
I’m reminded of the words Kurt Vonnegut wrote before his death when it came to the planet, “We could have saved it but we were just too damn cheap and lazy.”
Future generations will remember how lazy our leaders were when it came time to act to save the earth and how they didn’t want to expend the money necessary to save it.
What an embarrassing conference.
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As the nation celebrates Veterans Day, most of the emphasis is on celebrating veterans who are natural citizens who fought in American wars.
Yet, I see no mention or celebration of the undocumented immigrants who served in the American military.
Immigrant service members are eligible for citizenship after their service. Sadly, not all get to complete their naturalization. Some are lied to by recruitment officers that citizenship is automatically given after you enlist.
It’s made harder to become an American citizen after serving due to President Bill Clinton’s 1996 Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility Act. Under the law, all green card holders are made more vulnerable to deportation for low level felonies. For example, driving without a license or possessing marijuana.
President Donald Trump continued where Bill Clinton left off and eliminated many other programs designed to grant undocumented immigrants citizenship after service.
It seems most of our leaders have adopted Henry Kissinger’s attitude when it comes to naturalized or undocumented veterans, "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
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Celebrate Veterans Day by reading Smedley Butler & demanding an end to war!   

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