Thursday, September 23, 2021

Reflections On Caring For Ourselves and Each Other In These Pandemic Times

Dr. Joseph Varon hugs and comforts a patient in the COVID-19 intensive-care unit during Thanksgiving at the United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, on November 26, 2020. (Please go here for the original:

This information was provided on 9/12/21 from

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

Amidst massive heartbreaking and deeply disturbing disinformation, it’s my belief that it’s incredibly important to share the facts and the truth about Covid-19 and Covid vaccines again and again. And again. 

Despite daily reports from around the country, such as the above information by a hospital in Oregon, there tragically continues to be a great deal of fear mongering, misinformation, and politicization centered around the vaccines. Included in this is the claim by some on social media that the research that has gone into mRNA vaccines was rushed. A well researched friend offers these facts to counter these false beliefs:
1. The first clinical trials of lipid nanoparticles delivering mRNA vaccines were in 2015, six years before the FDAs EUA of these vaccines for the pandemic in 2021.
2. Prior to that, in 2013, there was a clinical trial of an mRNA vaccine for rabies.
3. Before that, in 1993, the first mRNA vaccines were tested for mice.
4. Liposome delivery of mRNA vaccines first occurred in 1990, to mice.
5. Lab-made mRNA first occurred in 1984.
6. The liposome delivery of mRNA to cells first occurred in 1978.
7. Liposomes being used to deliver vaccines first occurred in 1974.
8. Liposomes being used to deliver drugs first occurred in 1971.
9. The first lab-produced proteins from isolated mRNA occurred in 1969.
10. mRNA was discovered in 1961.
mRNA technology isn't actually new technology. The basis of this research started before the Cuban missile crisis. It's not new technology. It's the application of research that has been around a long time, like before we had color television.
"Rushed research" is an irrational basis for vaccine hesitancy.

That said, I repeatedly recognize how hard it is to have a conversation with those whose resources state that the vaccines for Covid are unsafe. And this is where going beyond numbers and data and statistics holds the potential to open the eyes of the hearts of those around us. Otherwise, we are too likely to devolve into clinging to disinformation and/or moving into resentments and attacks. Calling anyone stupid or an idiot is not helpful. Deep caring combined with the truth and facts from reputable resources is what holds the potential to make a difference. The ripples we send out into the world matter. Deeply.

In response to an attempted discussion with a couple of people who believe the Covid vaccines to be dangerous and ineffective, a friend who is a healthcare worker in an Oregon hospital on the frontlines of the pandemic speaks powerfully to what is needed. She states: "This conversation is pulling resentment rather than compassion and empathy, which is where I want to be. People hide behind data and articles and politics, rather than first person experience and real people. I strongly implore, beg, request, ask for people to ask real people who see this every day what they see. Please, hear my words, not data. My real life local experience."  

This friend witnessed more Covid deaths among unvaccinated patients today. It is hard to imagine the relentless trauma of our healthcare providers who are faced every single day with preventable severe illnesses and deaths.

Another friend concurs and adds: "I recommend that people listen to what doctors and RNs in their own communities are telling local health departments about what's going on in local hospitals and clinics. When the information goes up the chain, the chances that it will be politicized increase.

This moves me to once again share the short film "Overwhelmed" about what it is like to be on the inside of Oregon hospital ICUs:

There is also this firsthand account from an ICU nurse who is traumatized, angry, and overwhelmed with treating unvaccinated Covid patients, knowing that the horrors that she sees day in and day out are tragically preventable:

Here is yet another firsthand account of a father in Virginia who chronicled his story of battling Covid-19 in a series of Facebook videos. He clearly shares his deep regret at not getting vaccinated.and his grief recognizing that he may now die:
There are countless otgher heartbreaking stories that I could share, but I'll just add one more: "Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom...This is what freedom looks like in America today... In a pandemic, one person's freedom can be another person's death."

A valued friend also shared this with me today: 
Data from a long-running study in the UK. Results are shocking (not hyperbolically, but truly).
51,281 people in the study who died as a result of COVID during 6-month period.
Only 640 fully vaccinated people among those 51,281 who died.
That's 1.2% of people who died from COVID were fully vaccinated.
Breakthrough deaths more common among men than women.
Almost 19,000 people - 43.4% - had no underlying health conditions.
Over 11,000 people - 25% - were not considered "clinically vulnerable" to death from COVID.
This data supports other studies that found that 97-99% of all hospitalized COVID deaths are unvaccinated.
The age at which people are dying as a result of COVID has begun to fall, due to older people having gotten vaccinated at much higher rates than younger people.
We need these facts, which are the antidotes to disinformation. We need, I believe, to assume responsibility for being strong voices of truth and, when we are faced with it, to countering dangerous and deadly disinformation. Ignorance, fear, and disinformation is killing people. Thousands of people every day. We need to care enough to do everything possible to prevent more severe illnesses and deaths. Even if our words reach only one person who then takes the action needed through masking and being vaccinated to save one life, that matters. We all matter!
And we also need the heartfelt and powerful stories from frontline workers, from those who are dying and from who've lost loved ones to Covid, from those who are now suffering the many diverse symptoms of long-haulers, and from those whose lives have been saved due to being vaccinated.
The pandemic crisis and the climate crisis are rising powerfully to shake our species awake, transforming our disconnect, disinformation, denial, and ignorance into remembrance of what we have forgotten ― that we are all interwoven as humans and with all of life on this beautiful endangered planet that we share. 
It is time for us to evolve and grow into our great potential as fully embodied human beings to act out of caring, love, truth, and conscious awareness of the highest good for us all. Truly, this is a time of both great danger and great opportunity. May we seize these traumatic times as the opportunity to bring forth the urgently needed changes and blessings and love that we all need and, whether we know it or not, yearn for.

Bless us all, no exceptions. 🙏

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