Saturday, September 11, 2021

Chelan Harkin: That Communion Of Purest Intimacy

Beautiful. This is something that I deeply resonate with that speaks so soulfully to my heart’s journey. Deepest gratitude to Chelan Harkin for putting to poetry the wisdom, truth, compassion, and love that is embedded in the depths of our hearts and souls. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’— Molly

Photo by Molly

I want to be a floor sweeper
in the temple of love
not seek to ascend
to any position or status
of lofty heights
through avoiding my pain
but rather fall directly
into the heart
of that pyre
and thereby burn
through all that is not
the profound humility
that crushes ordinary moments,
like grapes into wine,
into that communion
of purest intimacy. 
Chelan Harkin 

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